Brand Guidelines

Updated November 15, 2021

Get ODK Inc. ("ODK") is thrilled that you want to refer to ODK and we appreciate your help in spreading the word about ODK. These Brand Guidelines aim to provide you with all the information you need for correct use of ODK brand assets.

ODK trademarks, service marks, logos and designs, as well as other works of authorship that are eligible for copyright protection ("Marks") are valuable assets that ODK needs to protect. The strength of our Marks depend, in part, upon consistent and appropriate use. We ask that you properly use and credit our Marks in accordance with guidelines. We reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time solely at our discretion.

Examples of use that do not require permission

In cases of fair use, you may use or refer to ODK without explicit permission. The following are examples of such permitted usage:

  • Books, articles, and tutorials: If you write articles, books, blog posts, tutorials and similar, you do not need permission to use ODK Marks. We require you to give attribution to ODK by referencing our website,, somewhere in your book, article, etc. Avoid anything that may give the impression that your work is an official part of ODK.
  • Courses and training: If you present a course on ODK, in either an academic, free, or commercial context, you can use ODK Marks in the course material. Explain in your materials that ODK is free and open-source software, and actively encourage anyone to contribute, directly or indirectly. Avoid anything that may give the impression that your course or training is an official offering from ODK.
  • Products and services: If you provide products or services (support, development), you can use ODK Marks to describe or advertise your services or products, provided this is done in a way that is not misleading (see below).
  • Linking: If you use ODK marks on a website linking to our domains, websites, or web properties (e.g., GitHub), you do not need permission.
  • Merchandise: You can make stickers, T-shirts, hats or other merchandise with ODK Marks for non-commercial usage. You can also make merchandise with ODK Marks for commercial usage provided that you clearly advertise to customers which part of the selling price will be given back to ODK.

Examples of use requiring permission

Some uses of our Marks require the user to obtain permission. If you need permission, send an email to

Permission is not a formal endorsement of your ODK-related project and doesn't constitute a statement on the quality of your service.

  • Products and services: If you plan to make a ODK-based product or service using a mark that includes the word "ODK", you must obtain permission from ODK. When developing and advertising ODK-based products or services, we ask you to follow the following guidelines:
    • Give credit to ODK where it is due and don't present your work as our work.
    • Make it clear that your offering is not officially part ODK by adding your brand name to the name and accompanying text explaining that your product or service is not created or endorsed by ODK.
    • Good names include:
      • YourBrand powered by ODK
      • YourBrand based on ODK
      • YourBrand for ODK
    • Bad names include:
      • YourBrand ODK
      • ODK Special Edition
      • The Real ODK
    • Do not undermine the validity of ODK. We prefer that you refer to our software as "Official" and not "Community" or similar.
  • Domain names, websites, and social media: Proper use of our Marks on websites to name or accurately describe ODK's products, services or technology is permitted. The use of our Marks should not be misleading or likely to cause confusion as to whether the web site is affiliated with ODK or whether the products, services or technology are offered by ODK. ODK reserves the right to request you to remove our mark from your domain name, web site, account name, or publication if we deem its use to be inappropriate.
    • Individuals or organizations must not use a "odk" or "getodk" top-level domain. Any principal or secondary level domain name, with or without commercial intent, should not be identical to or virtually identical to any of our Marks.
    • Individuals or organizations should not use "*odk*" or "*getodk*" in their domain names. Do not register any domain name containing our Marks and do not claim any trademark or similar proprietary rights in the domain name. For example, "", "", or "" are not allowed without asking for permission.
    • Non-commercial projects may use "odk" or "getodk" in their domain names, but should ask for permission before registering the domain. ODK may register the domain and point it to the name servers provided by the requester or instruct the requester to do so.
    • Any and all use of our Marks in connection with account names, profiles, avatars or handles on social media platforms is subject to the same guidelines set forth herein as for other uses.

Prohibited uses

ODK does not permit using any of our Marks in the following manner: as part of your own trademark; to identify non-ODK products, services or technology; in a manner likely to cause confusion between products, services or technology of ODK and those of another entity; in a manner that inaccurately implies that ODK endorses or otherwise is affiliated with your own activities, products, services or technology; in a manner that disparages ODK or its products, services or technology; in connection with products, services or activities which, in our judgment, may diminish goodwill in our Marks; in connection with any unlawful activities or to encourage unlawful activities.

Prohibited uses include:

  • Fake affiliation/endorsement: You cannot use ODK Marks in anyway that suggests an affiliation with or endorsement by ODK if it is not true.
  • Organization names: You cannot use ODK Marks in an organization's name.
  • Confusingly similar marks: You cannot use a name that is confusingly similar to ODK.

Report abuse

If you know of individuals or organizations using ODK Marks without permission, or if you see references to ODK without the proper attribution, please let them know about our Brand Guidelines. We would also appreciate it if you could notify us by email at


This text was adapted from QGIS and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.